Ramadan Kareem to you all beYOUtiful readers who celebrated it and you of course. As you know since last May by this year I had moved to Malang. Just before the holy month of Ramadan, thus its become my first experience spending Ramadan far away from the closest family ever [huhuhu mommy I got homesick already, ooops!]. Sssst…the perks of having closest family is when I’m getting stuck in my daily meal, I could join to my parent’s houseย either for breakfast nor sahurย [smirksmile].
Another Chapter of My Life
Frankly, this another chapter of my life were forcing yet teaching us to face a new life independently. Starts from preparing sahur and breakfast, shopping the groceries, etc. Actually I already did it previously, but…considering the place where we were living, don’t know why the atmosphere feels a bit different. Everythings has changed…such as the people surrounds us, the city itself and of course the differences of temperature between Surabaya and Malang which is successfuly makes my skin irritated hiks.
“Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family” ~ Anthony Brandt
Well…there are a lot of work needs to be done soon, instead of overthinking about the different ambience what we have. Unloaded then unpack all of those things which we brought from Surabaya, oughhh…the things I hate the most “How I wish I have Seven Dwarf!” hahaha.
Cooking Stories
Among all of these, the biggest change which happens to me is…surprisingly during this Ramadan I have been cooking more often than before, yeaay! As you know, it’s gonna be a different story if I couldn’t cook, eventhough many warung are open during Ramadan. Well, considering I’m a picky eater, I prefer cooking it by myself.
In several days I provided any kind of menus, such as sweet & sour prawns, white mustard stir-fry, eggplant balado, chicken fillet peanut curry with dabu dabu sauce, macaroni schotel, etc. I got many ideas of that by googling it, calling my mom to ask some recipes or re-open my post on this blog as my last option. That’s some ways I did so far, to avoid getting stuck in my daily meal or to conquer the laziness. Or…eventually sometimes we buy some food hihihi.
Actually it’s just a simple menu, doesn’t need a lot of effort to cook it considering I was cooked it before the breakfast time and after tarawih for sahur. As long as my papabear like it, I will cook it…even just tempe penyet hahaha. Here’s some food which cooked by me and alhamdulillah all of the taste are delicious [testimony by my papabear] and he likes that lately the food is coming from our kitchen.
Even my friends are noticing it, they put some comments to me as their timeline during this Ramadan were flooded by the food post of mine, either on Path nor Instagram. Food everywhere huh! LOL.
delicious, isn’t it? |
Ssstttt…Lately, I am baking for kastengel cookies by my own as I did it once before I got married. Hmmm am I good at baking? I dare you :p
you want some? |
Yup…it is the biggest change which happens to me, indeed. I spare more time to cook, for build an healthy life. It is healthier when we cook it by ourselves, isn’t it? We never know clearly what’s the ingredients that they used to make food,ย if we buy the food in food stall or restaurants.
Then, automatically by all those healthy food we can spending Holy month of Ramadan healthier and productive. Moreover the bonus is we can save more money due to food which we buy in the food stall or restaurants commonly are more expensive than we cook it by ourselves.
Salam, Ramadan Kareem.
22 Comments. Leave new
bagaimanapunjuga… memasak sendiri itu sesuai dg selera kita ya jeng
kebersihan, kesehatan dan kelezatannya terjamin…
puas rasanya bisa menyenangkan perut keluarga hehehe
please translate into english….*kabooor
*benerin kamus* halah wkwk
Iya mba, lebih seger juga rasanyabkalo masak sendiri. Seger kek aku haha
Asyiiik finally you coo itself. I think it's more healthy and your hubby absolutetly happy although sometimes it's salty ups . The end of word is me ๐
Hahaha iya Mba, cooking for preparing iftar sometimes too tricky…too much salt ๐
Mbaak, kok enaak masakannya x))
Abis lebaran bisa nih kita meet up meet up ^^
Wuhuuuuu…masak2 s3ndiri…cuci2 sendiri…dirumahku sendiri…tak ada teman2…wakakakak…gak kangen begejek2kan tah mbak???
Wkwkwk iya ni blm ada temannya di rumah kalo pak bojo keluar. Begejekkan? Ofcooossss kangen bangeeeet huhuhu
Being separated from your mom makes you become more independent, I guess. I'm so happy to hear that you cook to serve you hubbybear most of the time. Lucky him to have you!
I think Ramadan is the best time to practise cooking, right?
Mba Frida, thank you for all the compliments…what a lovely thoughts.
Ramadan is the best time to cooking, indeed ๐
wow you are in Malang sista, Malang is the city that I want to go, I miss Malang, don't worry the distance is only 3 hours from Surabaya to Malang right? I hope you'll enjoy your new hometown *maaf kalo acak2an bahasanya
About acak2an, no worries mba hihi…thx for stopping by.
Yes it's about 3hrs hehehe, kata org Jawa "cidek kuwi" LOL
Nice story mbak Dwi … new places always taught us new things …great experience for sure! ๐
Happy ramadhan! May Allah bless you kak…
Sukses ! ๐
that more activity in our ramadhan especially for cooking food i see that picture is Delicious
You're right Mba, cooking will save our money.
So, I always cook everday.
Wow, it's great to cook many healthy food for family.
Waw sepertinya enak dan saya juga jadi pengen nih.
Wow…sooner or later you'll become a Lady Chef.
All the food you cooked look so delicious. To me, cooking is the big challenge, more over when it comes to writing menu for the whole week. But for you it seems to be fun, Wow! I envy you.
I love eating but not so much with cooking LOL ๐ Eid Mubarak to you and your family ^_^
I can't said that ccoking is my choice but i still loving this activity and its a must. ๐
Aku dah lama ga masak sendiri ;))